In Conversation with Brian Hook

In Conversation with Brian Hook Held on 14 December, 2022 Speaker Brian Hook | Brian is a veteran U.S. diplomat who has worked for three presidential administrations. Most recently, he […]
Domestic Political Chaos Is Not the Only Thing Happening in Iraq

It appears that calm has returned to Iraq after the reported intervention of Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the country’s chief and widely respected Shia cleric. In recent weeks, violence had occurred […]
Why Iran Doubts Joe Biden’s Jerusalem Declaration

The Jerusalem Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership commits the United States and its top Middle East allies “to use all elements of their national power to prevent Iran from obtaining a […]
The Shaping of the Persian Gulf Security Order

The Persian Gulf is of great importance, both in terms of energy resources and because it is a strategic passage for regional trade. Fundamentally, the internal security of countries in […]
Book Review – “Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey” by Elise Massicard

Elise Massicard, Street-Level Governing: Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022) During the last century, Turkey has seen the abolition of the Caliphate in 1924, the […]
Can Lebanon and Israel avoid war by solving their maritime border dispute?

Lebanon and Israel are stuck in indirect negotiations over where the lines should be drawn with respect to their maritime borders and the scope of each state’s rights to explore […]
Why Hamas’ Russian diplomacy initiative could bother Israel

In early May, Moscow accepted the request of a visiting Hamas delegation to mediate between rival Palestinian factions. This diplomatic achievement gives Hamas new ways to challenge Israel; both in […]
Climate Change and the Electric Future: Key Trends and Likely Winners

Introduction The region’s cross-border electricity trade efficiency deficits pose challenges. Climate change is driving transformations towards decarbonization. Almost all technical studies of decarbonized futures conclude that a clean future will […]
Economic Relations Between Israel and the Gulf States

The Abraham Accords opened a new page in Israeli relations with Arab states. Besides military and security benefits, the process of normalization brought new possibilities for broad development of economic […]