Hezbollah-Israel Ceasefire: Timing and Obstacles
Despite both Hezbollah and Israel’s willingness to avoid the resumption of the war, such a scenario remains possible.
The Stakes of Military Reform in Syria
Who in the Middle East would want to see the revival of a powerful army in Syria, intrusive and authoritarian as it was in the past?
The Stakes of Military Reform in Syria
Who in the Middle East would want to see the revival of a powerful army in Syria, intrusive and authoritarian as it was in the past?
Iraq’s Geopolitical Tightrope: Balancing Iran, Turkey, and US Pressures
Iraq’s struggle to assert its sovereignty is increasingly complicated by its entanglements with Iran and Turkey and a persistent terrorist threat.
Hezbollah’s strategy against Israel since October 2023
Exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah are viewed with extreme caution by foreign policymakers as the war could draw in the entire region.
Harakat Hezbollah Al-Najuba: Iran’s Next Top Proxy Group?
Harakat Hezbollah al-Najuba provides insight into Iran’s evolving policies towards its proxy partners.
How the “new” Eastern Mediterranean can serve as a bridge between the Gulf and Europe
The prospect of the Eastern Mediterranean and Gulf regions merging into a prosperous and stable geopolitical space faces several obstacles.
Why climate change in the Middle East should be a foreign policy priority
Climate change – including migration, food and energy insecurity induced – means the Middle East could have implications for stability worldwide.
Neo-feudal militancy: How Iran-backed proxy groups operate in the Middle East
Iran and its clients created a reinvention of medieval feudalism. Leaders recruit fighters, wage war against outsiders and extort from residents.
France’s balancing act in the Middle East since October 7
Since October 7, France has approached the war with a strategy of balance based on security, humanitarian, and political considerations.