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Join MENAF in conversation with Brian Hook to discuss his unparalleled foreign policy experience in three U.S. presidential administrations. Mr. Hook most recently served in the Trump administration as U.S. Special Representative for Iran (2018-20) and Director of State Department Policy Planning (2017-8). We look forward to discussing numerous topics: from the Abraham Accords, to Iran policy, to the future of U.S. foreign policy in the Gulf.
Our Speaker:
Brian Hook | Brian Hook is a veteran U.S. diplomat who has worked for three presidential administrations. Most recently, he served as U.S. Special Representative for Iran (2018-20) and Director of State Department Policy Planning (2017-8), and was a key architect of U.S. sanctions on Iran, the Abraham Accords, and hostage negotiations with North Korea and Iran. Mr. Hook also held a number of senior positions in the Bush Administration, including Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations; Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Special Assistant to the President for Policy at the White House, and Counsel in the Office of Legal Policy at the Justice Department.

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