Rethinking the EU’s actorness in the Red Sea

A more proactive security approach is necessary for the EU to protect international maritime trade and its own commercial interests in the long term.
Saudi Arabia is walking a tightrope with its public response to the Hamas-Israel war

Saudi Arabia has had to adopt a cautious approach to its official communications, balancing a voice for Muslims with its aspirations vis-à-vis Israel.
Will Saudi Arabia’s streak of liberalization extend to normalizing ties with Israel?

When Saudi Arabia will normalize ties with Israel depends on the war in the Gaza Strip, but the current status quo already heralds a change.
Hedge and Wedge: Saudi Arabia Approaching China and Russia

China and Russia’s challenge remains how to effectively engage Saudi Arabia, either through BRICS or individual efforts, by hedging or wedging.
The State of Iran’s Nuclear Programme: What Can Negotiations Achieve Before UN Sanctions Expire in October?

In light of the upcoming sanctions expiration, the West have three options: a plan for new nuclear negotiations, deterrence, or military action.
The Long Road to a Substantive Settlement in Yemen

China and the Middle East: From Performative to Substantive Participation in Regional Affairs?

The tripartite China-Saudi Arabia-Iran agreement does not herald the beginning of a new era of Chinese primacy in the region.
French Foreign Policy in the Middle East (dup)- TEST EVENT

*No registration required. Join the event by clicking on the Zoom link below or copying it into your browser manually: Since his reelection in 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron […]
A Look to US-Saudi Relations in 2023: Irritants, Constraints and Opportunities

For many decades, the U.S.-Saudi relationship has been loosely defined by the premise of oil for security. This premise arose out of a growing alignment of interests following the announcement […]
Iran and Saudi Arabia: Mutual Threat Perceptions and the Potential for Conflict

For about a year and a half, there was hope that Iran and Saudi Arabia, two Persian Gulf neighbours and regional rivals, would overcome the period of hostility between them […]